What Are The Elements To Be Taken Care Of In Planned Weddings?

Want to build your career as a wedding planner 

Weddings are a once-in-a-lifetime phenomenon for each individual and everyone would want to have a dreamlike, all-perfect wedding with no regrets for the future. But no event can be made perfect without proper planning and a timely execution of that plan. But, planning a perfect event is no kid’s play, as it requires high vigilance and prompt decision-making with a considerable amount of attention towards the necessities. And, that is exactly why we are here, to give you this list of the essential elements that can give your wedding an edge over the others and make your event nothing less than a fairytale. An ultimate wedding planning toolkit Following is a list of essential elements that you must take care of if you want to plan your client’s wedding like a professional.
  1. Budget is important, sticking to it is even more important
Weddings are definitely a costly affair. And to keep a track of the flow of money, it is important to maintain a budget that can guide us about our expense. Last minute expenses and sudden unplanned issues are unavoidable so it is also important to keep a chunk out of our budget for that cause. In fact, a better way would be to think beforehand about these ‘pop-up wish list’ items in the beginning and add them so that you are not caught off-guard suddenly. At last, learn to balance on the expenses. For example, if you have splurged on food, then you might want to cut on expenditure on flowers, decoration etc.
  1. Prepare a timeline
The most important trait of an efficient event manager is the workability of his timeline. So, to make sure that you have ample amount of time to carry out every order and preparation, make sure that you have a precise timeline in your hand that ends at least two weeks prior to the wedding. After all, you need time to revamp yourself for the event too!
  1. Maintain an event record
Keeping an event toolkit is every planner’s first priority. You have to maintain multiple excel sheets to record expenses, prepare element sheets, rsvp sheets, tasks accomplished and pending work etc.
  1. Learn to handle your vendors
A good manager knows how to manage multiple resources properly and how to create a sync among important people. Similarly, make sure you know everything about your vendors including their past experiences, quality check etc. Have meetings and follow-up with all your vendors and guide them personally to keep in touch with each other in case of emergency. Together, you all must not act or feel like scattered elements, instead, you should feel like a team aiming towards creating a wonderful experience.
  1. Your customer service talks big bucks about you!
Your responsibility as an event planner is to create amazing memories for the customer. So, do not forget to add your own flavor to it. You can try making customized gifts for the guests depending upon the budget or a gift for the host family that exclusively defines your gratitude towards them. Apart from this, welcome bags and goodies bag is also in fashion these days that contain all about the event, a token from the host and thank you card etc. So be wise and keep yourself fresh in people’s memory forever with these unique gestures. So, keep the right tools and tips handy and your event will be a sure success.

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