The Ultimate Guide To Planning A Virtual Wedding

Want to build your career as a wedding planner

Brides and grooms, you are not the only ones if your original wedding plans have changed or been deferred due to the coronavirus pandemic. Covid-19 has changed the whole wedding industry, and yes maybe it might feel somewhat devastating to need to change your original wedding celebrations. But if there is one thing that this pandemic has taught us it is that love is the most powerful and above everything else and that with technology the sky’s the limit. In this way, for every one of those couples who can’t wait to get married we are here to gift you some positivity as you rethink, reschedule, and reimagine your big day. So here it is the ultimate guide to planning a virtual wedding!

1. Get Your Virtual Wedding Planning Team Together:

Because you might be altering your original wedding plans doesn’t mean you can’t at present have some assistance from a wedding planner or friends. Contact your wedding planner and check whether they can assist you in planning your wedding. Just because it is a virtual wedding doesn’t mean that you cannot have gorgeous decorations and flowers, delicious takeout dinner, a wedding cake! You’re permitted to have a ton of fun and keep the traditions or special moments you want – all the while practising legitimate safety protocols during the lockdown and pandemic. Perhaps you want a fun “bachelorette” the night before your wedding. We are sure that your bestie couldn’t want anything more than to take that on and give you a virtual celebration, complete with gifts or treats and all your best buddies in attendance.

2. Choose A Platform:

Instagram Live, Google Hangout, Zoom Conferencing – you have plenty of options. Decide if you need a live stream that individuals can watch, or if you want to have the option to see your guests just like they can see you. This will be the main factor in deciding how you wish to broadcast your wedding. Make a point to incorporate appropriate links to the platform you pick, decorum guidelines for your guests (should they mute themselves, do you need them to have the option to comment in the feed?) and any other helpful information for individuals who might be utilizing this for the first time.

3. Set-Up For The Wedding:

You will be broadcasting your wedding through your laptop, tablet or mobile. Along these lines, what you can do here is you can allow the tripod stand, to hold your phone and then conduct the ceremony. Likewise, you can connect the gadget to your TV and let the celebrations begin.

4. E-Invites:

Clearly you can’t mail or personally deliver wedding invitations in the middle of a pandemic. Therefore, you will send out e-invites and set an appropriate time for everybody to participate in the ceremony and trust us, it will be a good idea. Not only will it be a good idea for guests to get invites to your wedding, but also they’ll get the chance to discover what this wedding experience is about. Do they get the chance to dress up for the virtual wedding? Would it be a good idea for them to bring their own bottle of champagne? Is there a fun reception where they can break into smaller virtual parties and mingle together?

5. Pamper Yourself:

Since you’ll in all likelihood be doing your own hair and makeup, make it a special event. Start with anything you need to feel relaxed and refreshed for your unique day – and begin the night before your wedding. Have fun with a soak in the tub, followed by some rejuvenating body oils or facemasks. Unwinding is a vital key to feeling radiant, so regardless of whether that implies you paint your nails over a late evening of watching Netflix, let yourself find a quiet space to celebrate yourself.

6. Decorate:

If you really want a special altar decorated with beautiful flowers, then you should go for it! Connect with your original florist and check whether you can alter your previous arrangements for your new celebrations. Chances are, they will be glad to make the day special for you, regardless of whether you are scaling back on what you had initially ordered. If you aren’t considering going for a florist but at the same time need the enchantment of flowers, we recommend getting a couple of bouquets from your nearby market and making your own flower arrangements. Get out some pretty candles, vases, your mom’s super special table runner and dishware that is reserved for the Prime Minister, and make a glorious dining table for your family to enjoy!

7. Dress Up:

We realize you wouldn’t have thought even in a million years of getting married this way yet love causes you to do things that you have never imagined. Try not to let these intense conditions ruin the most unique day of your life. You can wear anything you desire, pick something more casual or go all out with your beautiful wedding lehenga, it’s up to you. Or maybe just go for it! During this pandemic, it’s been amazing to anticipate special moments, and perhaps wearing your fanciest clothing will truly mark the day with a lovely and emotional stamp. So if you have your gorgeous wedding lehenga on hand then go all out and get the wedding of your dreams.

8. Ceremony:

We suggest you keep things somewhat concise. Considering you may have many people in attendance who are streaming with you, it might be hard to balance a long function with the inability to control the clarity of everybody’s gadgets (or attention spans).  We also recommend that you ask your family pundit to officiate the wedding over the video call. You can also keep a trusted friend or family member in charge of the flow of the ceremony.  That way you and your spouse won’t need to stress over the flow of the ceremony, and another person can be accountable for muting and unmuting and directing you both through the function with ease.

9. Hire A Virtual Photographer:

You may have seen how people are having their wedding photoshoots through Facetime or video calls. Thus, you can likewise contact your wedding photographer and have an out of the box wedding photoshoot through the video call. Isn’t that an amazing idea? It’s also fine if you choose to set the timer on your phone and take your own photographs. Even if this day doesn’t coordinate with your initial arrangement, you’ll need to record the fun and happiness that you and your partner shared together. Get an instant camera and snap a few polaroids. Have your guests take photographs of themselves, as well. You’ll have enough moments to create a photo album that you can fill with those snapshots of love.

You may have seen how people are having their wedding photoshoots through Facetime or video calls. Thus, you can likewise contact your wedding photographer and have an out of the box wedding photoshoot through the video call. Isn’t that an amazing idea? It’s also fine if you choose to set the timer on your phone and take your own photographs. Even if this day doesn’t coordinate with your initial arrangement, you’ll need to record the fun and happiness that you and your partner shared together. Get an instant camera and snap a few polaroids. Have your guests take photographs of themselves, as well. You’ll have enough moments to create a photo album that you can fill with those snapshots of love.

10. Get A Yummy Wedding Cake:

You and your partner can order a proper wedding cake and have a special wedding cake cutting ceremony. You can even bake the wedding cake with your partner before the wedding and this might be a fun thing to do together.

So, this little guide on the best way to plan virtual weddings will be your friend in need during this pandemic. We guarantee you this will be memorable for you and you will most likely have a great time. What’s more, you can always have a wedding reception after this is finished and the social distancing rules won’t be enforced.

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