Why Is Customization Important In Planning A Wedding?

Want to build your career as a wedding planner 

One of the most important responsibilities of a wedding planner is to create a personalized wedding for every couple. For this, he first needs to understand what the client wants and then must tailor the different aspects of the wedding to suit the client in particular and the family members in general. So, spending quality time with the clients and pinpointing their interests becomes instrumental. Keeping their interests in mind the wedding planner then creates ‘event-paths’ which makes it possible for him to turn his client’s dreams and ideas into a reality.

Every couple wants their wedding to be an unforgettable event not just for them but also for everyone who attends it. But, many a time, devoting so much time and effort is not possible neither for the couple nor for the family members. This is where a wedding planner enters.

The wedding planner who is a pro at handling every little detail of a wedding, can easily help in planning and customizing various things the way the client wants. They are an expert at making the best use of the available resources and can do wonders to even the most basic items and ideas. And the best part is that they can do all this well within the budget that their client has given them.

At the point when you take the time and effort to truly work your customers’ ideas into their wedding, it shows extraordinary customer service. You’re devoting yourself to planning one of a kind weddings that suit every customer’s vision. You aren’t designing a solitary wedding concept and program and applying it exactly the same for every customer. Creativity is the thing that makes you a flourishing and professional wedding planner.

The Venue

The selection of the venue is probably one of the most significant factors of the wedding. The surrounding helps in setting the tone of the wedding. Whether it is a society park or a farmhouse or an open field, the wedding planner can customize and personalize the space as per the choice of the client. They can create an intimate space for the special guests as well. Overhead lighting, a cluster of pendants, creative drawings, etc. are ideas that can completely transform the wedding ceremony.

The Menu

From greeting the guests with a celebratory cocktail with a creative name to planning the whole menu as per the couple’s story is another trend that’s becoming very popular. Dishes that are the bride’s or the groom’s favorite, the first dish that he made for her or she made for him are on the charts too.

Customized Clothes

Wearing personalized t-shirts at the ‘Mehendi’ or the sangeet or bachelor’s party are some things that the bride and groom along with the friends and family would enjoy. The wedding planner can get tees for the couple and the guests printed as-‘Bride to Be’, ‘Bride’s Best Friend’, ‘Soon to be Mrs’, etc.

Small Details

‘Going into details’ is what a well-trained wedding planner does best. From customized tissue papers with the couple’s initials or their logo to personalized wrapping paper with their photos, it makes gifting the guests all the more intimate and dear. Some wedding planners have also designed coasters with names or photos of the couple. Some have made use of monogrammed throw pillows and cushions too.

When it comes to satisfying our needs and wants, we have far too many choices. When wedding bells ring, the expectations rise even more and the biggest challenge for the couple and the family members becomes customizing the wedding in a way that it becomes an emotional and a never-to-be-forgotten event. At such a time, hiring a wedding planner becomes the best decision that one can make. Though it is a challenge, for the wedding planner too, customization truly makes the wedding the most special day in a person’s life. A wedding planner who has had some formal training can help in making things special and extremely personalized and make the wedding an event to remember.

The Art Of Listening:

Indeed, your hard skills are super important. Without your professional training, you most likely wouldn’t know what an RFP is! In any case, other than knowing how to make budget spreadsheets and courses of events, your soft skills need refining, as well. The art of listening is therefore important! How might you customize a wedding if you don’t listen to the couple that you’re working for? Before you can fulfill your obligations as an expert wedding planner, you have to have a solid handle of your customers’ needs and desires.

Perhaps the most ideal approach to put your customers at ease is to consistently show that you’re listening to them. However, don’t simply seem as though you’re doing it— really do it! Give them abundant chances to voice their thoughts and opinions. Actively engage with them. In case something isn’t working, be straightforward with them. Your customers have big dreams, it’s important not to annihilate them! Be that as it may, making guarantees you can’t keep isn’t exactly the first step in building a solid customer relationship.

Your customers don’t have the foggiest idea of how much everything costs, the complete logistics behind every event, and any legal issues included. That is the reason they have employed you! The more honest you are, the better they can confide in you. Try not to squash their ideas. Work with them to form their ideas into something different, or incorporate them on a smaller scale.

Becoming A Wedding Planner With An Eye For Customization

Understanding each client’s needs for customization is something that comes with years of experience. However, a wedding planner who has no experience in the industry might find it difficult to develop an eye for personalization. However, obtaining formal training before entering the wedding planning industry can help you a great deal with this. Formal training in wedding planning ensures that you are well-accustomed to the wedding planning ecosystem, and more so if you get a chance to be part of a live internship. All in all, investing in formal training will definitely help you out before starting a career in the wedding planning industry.

Common, copy/pasted weddings aren’t what expert wedding planners are trained for. If your customers didn’t want unique weddings, they wouldn’t have hired you! You have an obligation to plan and design weddings that genuinely correspond with the intended vision of the couple. This is why creativity, attention to detail, and active listening skills are important for wedding planners to possess. After all, a wedding is the most important day in a person’s life and they would want it to be unique, special, and customized just for them and it is your job to fulfill your client’s visions and make them and their guests happy.

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